The new edition of this classic text thoroughly covers all aspects of paediatric orthopaedic surgery, providing you with three volumes of in-depth, complete information about paediatric orthopaedic conditions. Aetiology, diagnosis, imaging, differential diagnosis, non-operative treatment, and surgical treatment including surgical techniques are all addressed in this brand new set. This outstanding resource is a one-stop reference for paediatric orthopaedics, unique for its comprehensiveness and superb illustrations.
Extensive coverage of conditions and surgical procedures, highly illustrated and explained in detail.All contributors practice in a single institution that features integrated care, and this unified approach is reflected throughout the book.An essential resource for paediatric AND general orthopaedic surgeonsIncludes totally new chapters on: the clinical application of the orthopaedic examination; gait analysis; the limping child; and the back in children. NEW EDITION - NEW FEATURES!
A new author, Dr. John Herring, builds on the framework established by Dr. Tachdjian, and thoroughly updates this classic text with new chapters, new illustrations and completely revised and updated chaptersHundreds of new illustrations, depicting established and new proceduresTotally new chapters on: The clinical application of the orthopaedic examination; gait analysis; the limping child; the back in children