Dillion Kalila had it all. Not only was he the consummate playboy with intelligence, amazing good looks and a sharp, witty personality, but he was the younger brother to the Queen of Hahr. For a while it seemed that nothing could go wrong in his perfect life.
Although, his sister’s realm is struggling under the constant threat of war and there is that odd and somewhat nasty new religion that seems to be hypnotizing the people, Dillion continues to party as any teenager would with his best friend and squire, Kim at his side.
That is until Dillion and Kim are tasked with delivering a package, something that is intended to change the world. Tragically for everyone, and most especially Kim, he accidentally dies before the package is delivered.
In the meantime, Queen Suraya of Karupatani is disgusted with her life, her husband and three sons, and most of all her favorite maid. The girl got herself knocked up out of wedlock by a married unnamed duke, who she mistakenly thinks will take care of her forever. During her absence, the maid is replaced by a Hahrian girl, who has arrived with a recommendation from Suraya’s counterpart, the Hahrian Queen.
Odd as it may be, the Hahrian maid holds the key to finally ceasing the endless wars forever