Ceilling. Beleive. Scissers.
Do you have trouble spelling everyday words? Is your spell check on overdrive? Well, this easy-to-use dictionary is just what you need! Organized with speed and convenience in mind, it gives you instant access to the correct spellings of more than 12,500 words. Also provided are quick tips and memory tricks, like:
- Help yourself get the spelling of their right by thinking of the phrase ?their heirlooms.?
- Most words ending in a ?seed? sound are spelled ?-cede? or ?-ceed,? but one word ends in ?-sede.? You could say the rule for spelling this word supersedes the other rules.
No matter what you’re working on, you can be confident that your good writing won’t be marred by bad spelling. This book takes away the guesswork and helps you make a good impression!