When the girl with the golden hair manipulates betrayal, her people may be given their only hope of surviving.
The stories say the Goldilocks stepped into the Baers’ roles, only finding her perfect fit at the end, but they never said what she would have to go through to discover where she belonged or that she would have to step away from everyone’s plans for her life in order to create her own and save her people from the Society.
Having found a stronghold amongst the soldiers trying to end them, the Baers will use their hold over Magistrate Canton to control the Society and free their people—if Shadoe’s hunger for power doesn’t destroy them all and cause their plans to crumble. As Dov and Auluria race to the Camps to free the young men and women being held here in hopes of finding new allies for their ongoing war, they uncover just how deep the Society’s hold is on their country.
In their greatest battle yet, Goldilocks and the three Baers will have to fight for the fate of an entire country, bringing down the corrupt government, deciding who is friend or foe, and toppling the Wall in the fight for their freedom, but no one will make it out unscathed—if they make it out at all.
When allegiances align and battle lines are drawn, her destruction might be the only thing to save them all.