You've published your first book and are eager to take that next step: getting some visibility for it and for yourself. But whenever you hear the world 'marketing' it sends a chill down your spine, leaving you frozen in indecision about how to proceed.
Worry not. You don't have to be a sleazy salesman to market yourself. You also don't have to bumble your way through the process and look like an amateur.
In this guide, you'll learn about all the essential building blocks of a successful and professional-looking author platform, including:
- What even is an Author platform?
- Present yourself: A great bio, photograph, etc.
- Claiming your author pages on Amazon etc.
- Basics of author Websites
- Social media for introverts
- Newsletters and mailing lists
- Automation FTW!
More than all of the above, this guide also deals with the most important question of all: what's the absolute minimum an introvert such as yourself can get away with? Marketing can become a fulltime job if you let it, but we're writers. And so we want to have plenty of time left over for writing, don't we?
Let's begin!