In a series of 100 mini workshops on proposal development during one month training of senior professionals on research methodology, orientation and refresher training of faculty from universities and colleges, and analysis of data of more than 5000 Ph.D scholars and national level projects by the authors of this book, several pitfalls emerged in the selection of research area and topic/title of a study, objectives, hypothesis formulation, research design, development of research tools, and analysis of data. The errors committed at planning stage of research continue throughout the research work and get its serious reflection in the quality of research.
During the training, the presentation of Research Proposals developed as part of individual and group assignments reinforced the faith of authors that the skills required for quality research are missing in the system. And it cannot be fully overcome through the tutorial methodology. The knowledge about the research process is crucial but not sufficient to enrich the research skills for quality research. It was realized that most of the books do not explain how to decide the research area and title of a study? How to set the objectives and how to establish relationship between two? These two features not independent constructs and should be mirror of each other. How to ensure the quality in the review of literature? How should it be carried out? How to find research gaps and how to set research questions to be answered in the research studies? How to formulate correct hypothesis, decide the research design, and develop research tools? How and from where to pick up variables for developing the research tools? How much crystallization of each objective helps researchers to get items for developing the tools such as questionnaire, interview schedule, check list for observation, and measurement scale for attitude, perception, belief, etc. about the phenomenon under exploration. What type of statistical tools are used for data analysis? In-depth understanding of these sub-steps under each stage of research looks to be bigger area of confusion for researchers.The book on Research Skill Development in Social Sciences, Communication and Management has been written in the self-guide form to answer the issues listed above