Early in the 21st Century, the Tyrell Corporation advanced Robot evolution into the Nexus phase - a being virtually identical to a human - known as a Replicant. Replicants were used Off-world as slave labor, in the hazardous exploration and colonization of other planets.
Now, on Earth, the Nexus 4 Replicants have been adapted for societal elites to own for industry and service work. But, Tyrell continues to experiment with further enhancements. Because progress stops for no man.
After the apparent suicide of Dr. Lydia Kine, a Tyrell Corporation bioengineer, was determined to be a murder committed by a Replicant, LAPD Detective Cal Moreaux is tracking the presumed killer: a Nexus 5 prototype.
Cal's investigation has brought him back to the Slums, an under-resourced and forgotten part of Los Angeles - his home...