Book 2 in a trilogy
They say revenge is sweet. For Charley, the taste of a man's blood is even sweeter. You may have assumed vampires were a fairy tales. Charley certainly would have never imagined such a future for herself. Charley's mother is secretly a vampire. As a matter of fact, Charley's entire family tree on her mother's side are descendants from Count Dray Gula himself. Bitten and infected in a careless accident, now Charley experiences a firsthand acceleration of this curse. It is not a fairy tale; it is a nightmare that she will never awaken from. Fiction finds some slivers of reality. Many do not believe the rumors of old. Charley was always a skeptic herself. The truth is elusive, and the cure is nonexistent for Charley.
The days and nights blur together as you follow this beautiful young lady, Charley, in her attempt to rid the world of dangerous and evil men.
This trilogy covers Charley's adolescent years through adulthood--a murderous blood thirsty adulthood to be more descriptive. Charley ushers in a revolution--a revolt against male oppression over females.
Share in her moral struggles as a young female battles her conscience against the need to slaughter the never-ending supply of corrupt men on this earth. Charley unleashes a new type of sexual revolution. Emboldened by the mysterious disappearance of large populations of men, women begin to reign superior. "Copycat" male murder is the flavor of the day. Testosterone will be in short supply at this rate of male extinction.
Lawless is the flavor of the day. Charley is protected by her crass old sidekick. Nothing will protect earth from the large animal army that she is amassing. You will soon see that her army of animals are not inhibited by our religious and humane boundaries. Frankly, neither is Charley anymore.
You will enjoy this tale of homicide--that is, unless you are an evil man. If that is the case, then sleep well tonight. It may be your last night on this earth. You may wake up to a tiger in your bed and not in a good way.
Follow closely as Charley's blood hirst is barely controllable combined with the fact that she is fresh out of love for huMANity. The face of the American continent will change drastically through book 3--a "face" that becomes far more feminine and less tolerant of the male criminal element.
Not all lies are horrible. Some secrets we keep from our children to protect them from a harsher reality. How could you explain the inherited desire to consume human blood? Some secrets are better off kept a secret.
Chesley Cula, Charley's mother, is secretly a female vampire. A direct descendant of the famous Count Dray Cula. Moreover, she is an exceptionally strong female as vampires go. Charley inherits strange gifts thought to be part of her father's Indian heritage. Charley does manage to survive without blood for some time, but the deficiency eventually takes its toll. A strange accident magnifies her vampire-like nature. Maybe it was already there. In addition, Charley has an unnatural connection to animals. Maybe the Indian heritage has less to do with her strange powers. Just maybe, Charley's superhuman tendencies have more to do with the Cula family bloodline. No one is aware of the mother's side to Charley's heritage. Her parents choose to hide that Cula lineage.
Charley's parents on her father's side have a proud Paiute Indian heritage. In her youth, she resides near her grandparents. Charley is part Paiute and part vampire. Her mother's lineage is near extinction. Now vampires may number less than a few thousand in the United States.
Chelsey Cula, a direct descendant of the Count Dray Cula, gives birth to a daughter, Charley, and later a granddaughter, Chloey, is born. The Cula bloodline is secretly preserved through these vampire girls.
This is the story of Charley Cula.
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