One illicit lap dance becomes a flight for their lives.
A stripper with dreams of being a princess.
An intergalactic thief with a freighter of stolen cargo.
At the outskirts of space and away from the rigid control of Central Command, Granger entices Kaedi to break her strict no-lap dance policy. The repercussions force her to pack up and hitch a ride off-world in the same freighter he has hired. They discover a passion hotter than a super nova, but their plans are shattered by the untimely death of the ship’s captain and the duplicity of the co-pilot.
The two lovers crash headlong into the clutches of Granger’s best-friend-turned-torture-
This book contains explicit language, vivid relations, and the word "moist." Intended for a mature audience.
Like its interstellar namesake, The Heart Nebula Series is a loosely-connected cluster of stand-alone Romantic Sci-fi stories with sassy heroines, gutsy heroes, passion, and adventure set in a galaxy far, far away. In essence, it's the stuff of stars.