Why do people behave the way they do? What causes different people to react differently to the same situation? Why are some Organisations more successful than others, even though they appear to be managed in the same manner? All of these questions – and more – are the substance of what organisational behaviour is all about.Organisational behaviour (OB) is the systematic study of the actions and attitudes that people exhibit within organisations. It is individual behaviour and group dynamics in organisations. The study of organisational behaviour is primarily concerned with the psychosocial, interpersonal and behavioural dynamics in orgnanisations. However, organisational variables that affect human behaviour at work are also relevant to the study of organisational behaviour.It is in this context, a textbook on introduction to the subject of Organizational behavior is presented to the students of Management program. The book contains the syllabus from basics of the subjects going into the intricacies of the subjects. All the concepts have been explained with relevant examples and diagrams to make it interesting for the readers.An attempt is made here by the experts to assist the students by way of providing case based study material as per the curriculum with non-commercial considerations. However, it is implicit that these are exam-oriented Study Material and students are advised to attend regular class room classes in the Institute and utilize reference books available in the library for In-depth knowledge.We owe to many websites and their free contents; we would like to specially acknowledge contents of website www.wikipedia.com and various authors whose writings formed the basis for this book. We acknowledge our thanks to them. At the end we would like to say that there is always a room for improvement in whatever we do. We would appreciate any suggestions regarding this study material from the readers so that the contents can be made more interesting and meaningful. Readers can email their queries and doubts to our authors on tmcnagpur@gmail.com.We shall be glad to help you immediately.
Authors: Dr Mukul Burghate and Dr Ninad Gawande