Who said that you turn 50 you can't weight loss naturally?
I know, lose weight is more difficult because your metabolism has slowed down significantly, but if you learn the right tips and tricks to increase your metabolism, you will live your 50 years like a second youth.
This book contains information about a diet tailored specifically for women over 50, takes into account the metabolism, biology, hormones, and age.
This book includes keto diet and intermittent fasting for women after 50, two very popular health trends in recent time.
From Intermittent Fasting you will learn:
- Benefits and different types of Intermittent fasting diet
- How the human physique has evolved so that it can function for long periods without food, and how this brings lots of advantages, like:
From Keto Diet Cookbook you will learn:
So, if you want to learn the right habits you need to aging in healthy, reduce your risk for diabetes, heart conditions, immune disorders, and high cholesterol you can start from this book.