Business, 1e WileyPLUS Learning Space Registration Card + Print Companion

By Louis E. Boone, David L. Kurtz, Susan Berston

Business, 1e WileyPLUS Learning Space Registration Card + Print Companion
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ALERT: WileyPLUS Learning Space retires on July 1, 2020 which means the materials for this course will be invalid and unusable. If your instructor has list this material for a course that runs after July 1, 2020, please contact them immediately for clarification.

This package includes a copy of ISBN 9781119115717 and a registration code for the WileyPLUS Learning Space course associated with the text. Before you purchase, check with your instructor or review your course syllabus to ensure that your instructor requires WileyPLUS Learning Space. Note that WileyPLUS Learning Space and traditional WileyPLUS codes are not interchangeable; check with your instructor to be sure that WileyPLUS Learning Space is required.

For customer technical support, please visit WileyPLUS Learning Space registration cards are only included with new products. Used and rental products may not include WileyPLUS Learning Space registration cards.

A fully digital program, the new Business, 1st Edition by Lewis E. Boone, David L. Kurtz, and Susan Berston, leverages WileyPLUS Learning Space with ORION creates a new and interactive learning environment. Your course will be transformed into a vibrant, collaborative learning community where you can instantly gauge if students are completing the assigned work and interacting with the assigned coursework & each other. An optional, small print component supplements the experience, but the primary interaction happens with key content & videos within the WileyPLUS Learning Space course. Real-life video stories in each section allow for stronger application of the content, ensuring that students understand the relevance to their lives and future careers.

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