A taste for the finest in material things produced a delicate wife, two children and
a more than adequate job. However, his craze for success consumed his focus
and overpowered his value system. JED played poker and won a national
championship. His fame spread. He also won a trucking company in a challenge
match game with a fool. The win allowed him to move from being a small executive
fish in a big pond to being the big top fish in a small pond and he loved it.
Failure with his family life further twisted his values. He took his wifes sister
as a mistress and they produced a male child that remained a phantom until his
death. JED fought his demons while dancing between card games and union
contracts. Eventually, the grim reaper cornered him in his penthouse hotel room,
paralyzed and dying.
A witness who knew him as a kind, generous, and thoughtful man described him
at the funeral as a marvel of a man. Nevertheless, most doubted the description
wondering, Was he good or bad or both?