UFOs and Related Subjects


UFOs and Related Subjects
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With the recent resurgence of interest in declassifying information about what we now call Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) it is time to take a fresh look at this 1969 disclosure of bibliographic research on UFOs.

This document describes itself as an annotated bibliography on the subject of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and related topics. Compiled by the Library of Congress for the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, it contains over 1,600 entries including books, journal articles, pamphlets, conference proceedings, tapes, original manuscripts, photographs, cartoons, and films.

The bibliography is organized into major categories such as:

- UFOs: General references, specific aspects like abductions, Air Force involvement, historical records, and sightings by decade.

- Origin of Life: Theories and speculations about the origin of life on Earth and elsewhere.

- Mankind: Evolution and origin of humans, including the possibility of extraterrestrial influence.

- Solar System: General references and specific information about Mars, Moon, and Venus as potential habitats for life.

- Extraterrestrial Life: General references, communication possibilities, implications of contact, and the potential for intelligent life existing elsewhere.

- Extraterrestrial Visitors: Accounts of alleged contact with beings from other planets.

- Related Subjects: Ball lightning, disc-like aircraft, unidentified submarine objects, Fortean phenomena, UFOs and religion, UFOs and time, gravity and anti-gravity, hollow earth theory, disappearances, and selected fiction.

This comprehensive collection serves as a valuable resource for researchers and general readers interested in the UFO phenomenon and its various implications.

This annotated edition illustrates the capabilities of the AI Lab for Book-Lovers to add context and ease-of-use to manuscripts. It includes several types of abstracts, building from simplest to more complex: TLDR (one word), ELI5, TLDR (vanilla), Scientific Style, Action Items, and Mnemonics; essays to increase viewpoint diversity, such as Grounds for Dissent, Red Team Critique, and MAGA Perspective; selected Notable Passages; Nutshell Summaries for each page; and a special AI-written essay assessing the delta in UAP disclosures between this 1969 release and its late-2023 training data cutoff.

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