Concise Guide to Child and Adolescent Psychiatryis an ideal resource for novices-practical, easy-to-understand, and small enough to carry in a jacket pocket. This essential book features summary information on disorders and their treatment methods, including psychosocial and psychopharmacological techniques, and simplified theoretical and research foundations. Organized for easy reference, the book includes a detailed table of contents, index, tables, figures, and other charts for quick access to information.
The Third Edition has been expanded and updated to reflect the latest research on the emotional and behavioral states of children and adolescents. Readers will find new techniques for diagnosis and treatment, as well as updated information from DSM-IV-TR.
Convenient and affordable, Concise Guide to Child and Adolescent Psychiatryis an invaluable tool for those just beginning to treat child psychiatry patients and an outstanding on-the-spot reference for daily use in the clinic.