Changing Britain

By Susan McRae

Changing Britain
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Major changes have happened in households and people's lives in most countries in the developed world. Marriage rates have fallen, divorce has risen, women are having fewer children and later in life, and there has been a rise in childbearing outside marriage. One in four families is headed by a lone parent. We are all getting older. These changes have significance that goes beyond the individual families-with implications for housing demand, social security benefits, labour force participation, health, and social services. Changing Britain provides a comprehensive portrait of British families and households at the end of the 20th Century. The book examines more generally the nature of economic and labour market change, Britain's place in Europe, and changing attitudes towards family life. Specifically, the book also deals with issues such as; older people's lives; non-heterosexual families; one-person households; young mothers and single parents; and divorce.