
By Colin R Tosh

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"Bothy" - Book 1 of a series: A Future History of Scotland (Book 2:, Book 3:

Summary of "Bothy" from back cover:

Circa 2500 AD.

Laddie is daein aricht, runnin a oor the Strathmore Valley, mindin ees fields, scrappin. Bit thir is ees fucked heid an ees pair deid fether thit ee cannae stop thinkin aboot. And Eberdeen wi thir aggressive land acquisitions an great ugly fields o gren. So Laddie is awa up tae Eberdeen tae sort it oot, an ee disnae mean tae start a war but it’s a war ee gits. And afore lang it’s three wumin fae the Strathmore Valley thit ir sooked intae the hale mess; charged wi pittin a bullet atween the ene o the heid lad o Aberdeen. Noo, ene o these wumin is aricht: a richt warrior. Bit the ithir twa? Weel… Am sair hopin the day aricht cus if the dinnae it’ll be richt back tae square one. Athin thit his been built up in the Strathmore Valley’ll be for nothing. W’ll be richt back tae the wuy it wis afore the world went tae pot; afore The Destruction.

About the author: Colin Tosh grew up in the Strathmore Valley in Scotland and now lives in North East England. He is a renowned ecologist and evolutionary biologist as well as a writer of stories (

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