Philadelphia socialite, Catherine Wentworth, arrives in Harmony, Missouri, with a three-fold mission: to escape the scandal of a philandering husband, to become a newspaper publisher, and to bring her father’s murderer to justice. What she doesn’t count on is that her newspaper is co-owned by the most exasperating man west of the Mississippi, Patrick Cardin. With each driven by divergent goals, a battle of wills is inevitable. When Catherine vows never to love again, she doesn’t plan on meeting an alluring man like Patrick. Was he like Thomas Wentworth, or worse, her father’s murderer? If so, Patrick is behind the insidious threats on her life. She was wrong once in taking a man’s measure. Is she wrong again? Yet, Patrick assaults her stubborn heart until she, like the South, could lose more than a skirmish. She could lose the war.
Patrick Cardin takes command of a roomful of men merely by entering it. His ramrod bearing speaks authority and easy confidence. Patrick is positive Catherine doesn’t know how to manage a newspaper or survive in the West. She will be in his way and disrupt his routine. He intends to have her on a packet headed east within a week. He had enough experience with danger during the Civil War to know it when he smelled it. Catherine is danger, especially a danger to his vow never to remarry. Yet, his world is overturned by an aggravating, bewitching female who sails into his quiet existence and breathes fire into his soul.