Child Neuropsychology guides therapists and neurologists toward common goals: early, accurate diagnosis and finely focused interventions across disciplines. By analyzing the affects of brain development on children and adolescents’ behavioral, cognitive, learning, and psychosocial abilities and deficits, this groundbreaking volume brings vital perspectives to assessment and treatment. Leading experts Ellison and Semrud-Clikeman start with the basics of child clinical neuropsychology and functional neuroanatomy, taking readers through examination protocols and assessment instruments to treatment planning and methods.
In this volume, the authors address the full range of neurodevelopmental pathologies, from learning disabilities to autism, ADHD to CNS disorders, traumatic brain injury to fetal alcohol syndrome. Child Neuropsychology demonstrates an integrated transactional model of rehabilitation and intervention strategies, showing how families and school personnel can collaborate with mental health and medical professionals for effective therapy with lasting results. Inside this volume, readers will discover:
For clinical child practitioners as well as for advanced students, Child Neuropsychology contains the essential tools needed to meet the complex challenges of diagnosing and treating brain-based illnesses.