Community Health Nursing

By Mary Albrecht Nies, Melanie McEwen

Community Health Nursing
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The previous two editions of this text have earned a solid and respectable standing within the community health nursing market. This edition is a significant, substantive revision that focuses on the issues, responsibilities, and roles important for providing contemporary community health nursing care. The chapters have been reorganized and streamlined, with several new chapters added. The subtitle has been changed from Promoting the Health of Aggregates to Promoting the Health of Populationsbecause the term populations is more representative of the books focus, which is all types and all sizes of groups of people.

The book has several unique features that stand out. The upstream thinkingapproach emphasizes health promotion efforts within a community to address the precursors of poor health. Detailed case studies provide a communitycomponent for each step of the nursing process, something no other community health nursing book does. Three photo-novellas, which are stories in photograph form, depict the details of real-life community health nursing responsibilities.

  • Presents the upstream thinking approach that focuses on factors that are the precursors to poor health, with interventions that emphasize community health promotion and prevention of health problems
  • Provides detailed case studies that emphasise community aspects of all steps of the nursing process to promote the community perspective in all health situations
  • Includes chapter objectives at the beginning of each chapter to emphasise key concepts the student should learn from the chapter
  • Provides learning activities at the end of each chapter to challenge students to apply chapter material outside the classroom
  • Features a new chapter (4) on epidemiology that discusses the distribution and determinants of health events in populations and addresses an important perspective for population-focused nursing care
  • Presents a new chapter (10) on economic matters relating to health care delivery to address matters that significantly influence decisions in a managed care environment
  • Provides new chapters on care for clients who are disabled (19) and those who are in prison (28)nd parish settings (29) to offer content on caring for clients who have special needs and concerns
  • Addresses the role of nurse case manager in a new chapter (8) on case management that discusses his relatively new role in contemporary community health

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