Mexiko vor 1835 = Mexico Before 1835 - Prelude to Revolution: The Black Legend, the Missing Blacks, and the Reality of Indian Power in Texas -- New-Orleans = New Orleans - What Ehrenberg Tells Us, and What He Doesn't -- Nacogdoches = Nacogdoches - Political Intrigue in the House of the Squire -- Das Coffee-House = The Coffee-House - Walpurgisnacht in Mexican Nacogdoches -- Das Ehrenmahl = The Banquet - Ein Ehrenmahl for Ehrenberg -- Der Marsch nach San Antonio = The March to San Antonio - An Excursion across Central Texas, and into Comanche Country -- Der Prärie-Brand = The Prairie Fire - Creatures of the Prairie Night -- Das Lager der Miliz = The Camp of the Militia - The Dilemmas of a Democratic Army -- Die Ueberrumpelung = The Surprise Attack - In This Street-Fight, Stay Off of the Streets! -- San Antonio = San Antonio - In the Land of the Frenemies; or, "Who Are the Mexicans?" -- Der Aufbruch nach Matamoras = Departure for Matamoros - Mixed Messages from Sam Houston's Speechwriter -- Fannin's Landung = Fannin Comes Ashore - Five Friends Go to the Beach (and Vote for Independence) -- Die Eröffnung des Kampfes im Jahre 1836 = The Campaign of 1836 Begins - When Disasters Strike -- Der 2. März 1836 = March 2, 1836 - A Republic, if You Can Keep It! -- Der Fall der Alamo = The Fall of the Alamo - The Texas Creation Myth -- Die Schlacht von Coleto = The Battle of Coleto - The Fog of War; or, Don't Believe Everything You Read -- Die Gefangenschaf = Captivity - The Lives of the Prisoners -- Die Ermordung der Gefangenen = The Murder of the Prisoners -The Bitter Climax -- Fannin's Tod = Fannin's Death - O Captain! My Captain! -- Die Flucht durch die Wildniss = The Flight Through the Wilderness - All Alone on the Crowded Prairie -- Die Colonien = The Colonies - Herman Finds the Mexican Army - and Vice Versa -- Urrea's Lager = Urrea's Camp - Truth or Dare? -- Der alte Sam = Old Sam - Travis, Houston, and Scherpf -- An der Colorado = At the Colorado - The Indispensable Man -- Die Amnestie = The Amnesty - When Truth is Stranger than Fiction -- Der Zug nach Matagorda = The March to Matagorda - Tracking Ehrenberg by Following the Mexicans -- Matagorda = Matagorda - Matagorda, Then and Now -- San Jacinto = San Jacinto - Santa Anna's Final March: Looting, Burning, and Losing It All -- Die Retirade = The Retreat - The Imaginary Texans -- Fort von der freien, souverainen Prärie! = "Begone from the Free, Sovereign Prairie!" - The Mexican Death-March, and a Texan Triumph, Toasted with Milk -- Der Fang des Rheinpreussen = The Capture of the Rhine-Prussian - The Return of Colonel Holzinger (and of John Adams) -- Santa Anna = Santa Anna - Face to Face with El Presidente? -- Santa Anna's Versuch zur Flucht = Santa Anna's Escape Attempt - Plot, or Scam? -- Schluss = Conclusion - Proud Citizen of the Republic -- Epilogue: a full life-cut short -- Coda -- Appendix: Ehrenberg's Texas land grants.
Book Details
- Country: US
- Published: 2021
- Publisher: Texas State Historical Association
- Language: English
- Pages: 653
- Available Formats:
- Reading Modes: