“The Beauty and the Glory of the Divine” by Alison M. Down is an astute look at the Exodus story that focuses on one Figure that too often remains hidden behind a monumental figure of Moses, and manifold events of the book–on God, the Leader of the Exodus. As we live in an efficiency driven society, we tend to look at actions and results as the highest priority. While the book of Exodus is indeed packed with actions, and as it results in a radical change in history, many Christians tend to overlook the main purpose of the book of Exodus. The main purpose of this, and of every other book of the Holy Scripture, and of the Word Incarnate is to reveal God the Father. Alison in her dynamic study has grabbed the very nerve of the Exodus narrative: the revelation of the Divine Holiness and other attributes and characteristics of God to sinful humankind.
As this emphasis is lost–and, unfortunately, it’s been lost in too many publications–the main purpose of the book of Exodus remains only as a potential. On the other hand, Alison helps a reader to refocus from a traditional study of peoples and events of Exodus, to the God of Exodus. The study is carefully organized after the events of the Exodus, yet with each chapter, with each page we come closer not just to the Promised Land, but we come to better understand God-the true Leader of the Exodus.
As a systematic theologian I see that this book is needed for two main reasons. First, it provides a unique focus of God. Second, “The Beauty and the Glory of the Divine” by Alison M. Down helps Christians to bridge what seems to be a gap between the God of the Old Testament and His Son Jesus Christ.
This study is fun to read, as a reader would certainly share in Alison’s excitement over many personal discoveries. The book is also valuable as it provides numerous parallel stories and texts from other books of the Bible. That solidifies this research and makes reading more diverse and interesting.
“I would certainly recommend this material to any diligent student of the book of Exodus.” --Dr. Oleg Zhigankov, PhD, Systematic and Historical Biblical Studies; Pastor North Bay and South River Churches, Ontario Conference of Seventh Day Adventists