Hail Muse etc.! Bring me Peggy, My antient steed, now somewhat leggy; Not him who on Parnassus green Erst fed, and drank of Hippocrene; But such, as to supply the trade, At Nuremburg by scores are made.- I mount him, and will now indite A Bee-book for my own delight, I'll sing of Johnny Dull: his pig, Made by his bees exceeding big; And of his daughter fair Christine, Of her queer lover Dicky Dean, And of his nephew rogue Eugene- Of honey-robbers I will tell, And bears, and bull-frogs, ghosts as well- All which my readers may discover Who con this true tale ten times over- Or make ten other Bee Friends buy it; For three and six I can supply it.
Book Details
- Country: US
- Published: 2014-03-28
- Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
- Language: English
- Pages: 48
- Available Formats:
- Reading Modes: