As one of the book's most extraordinary features, the commentary is regularly accompanied by tables illustrating essential terms and concepts pertinent to the discussion. A first publication of the book in France and Italy just after the end of the Convention's work proved such a success that a second edition was requested as soon as the final text of the Treaty was approved. The fate of the Constitution will be determined by the vagaries of the ratification process. Yet whatever the outcome, Professor Ziller has rendered an indispensable service, as the principles and arguments crystallised in this moment of Europe's political history will continue to exercise a profound effect on its future development. And while the breadth and precision of the knowledge embodied in this work is prodigious, the presentation is clear, simple, and captivating. It is sure to be useful to anyone interested in the new European Constitution the uninitiated and the seasoned veteran alike.
Jacques Ziller is a Professor of Law at the European University Institute in Florence, Italy, on leave from the University Paris I Panthandéon-Sorbonne. He has authored numerous books and articles concerning various aspects of European Union law, as well as many other legal topics, and has taught at several major universities and training institutions in France, Belgium, Spain and The Netherlands. He is fluent in French, English, German, Dutch, Italian and Spanish. During the European Conventions work, Professor Ziller served as Counsel to the EU Committee of the Regions and thus brings an insider's perspective to the evaluation of its work.