A revised, more focused edition of the essential golf etiquette handbook.
Filled with pictures, detailed diagrams and extensive definitions, this revised edition from Barbara Puett and Jim Apfelbaum is all a golfer will ever need to learn proper etiquette on the golf course.
Tiger Wood's popularity has introduced golf to thousands. Very few, however know proper golf etiquette--which is essential to enjoying the game. The revised edition of the classic book is vital for amateur and experienced players in addressing golf's number one problem: slow play. The book Paul Harvey lauded as "The first and last word on how properly to behave on and off the golf course covers:
*Proper attire
*Playing through
*Playing with Strangers
*And much more
All the latest advances are taken into account: satellite-based yardage systems, alternative spikes, and cell phones. Its handy size and useful photos and diagram make Golf Etiquette the perfect guide for on-the-fly tips and rules.