Deepen your understanding of the most important nutrition concepts with this dynamic online course. Used in conjunction with Schlenker/Long: Williams' Essentials of Nutrition & Diet Therapy, 10th Edition, Nutrition Concepts Online integrates illustrations, animations, interactive exercises, and quizzes to reinforce your comprehension and provide an exciting, interactive learning experience.
- Modular format enables you to supplement your learning with online lessons or work at your own pace.
- Learning objectives help you focus your study on the most important concepts.
- Reading assignments highlight textbook material and provide related questions to help you read and review more efficiently.
- Hundreds of interactive exercises provide an engaging way to learn core topics with immediate feedback that helps you identify areas needing additional study.
- Animations bring nutrition concepts to life with visual instructions or explanations of a process or system, such as digestion.
- A case study at the beginning of each module challenges you to work through a realistic situation that relates to the module content.
- Quizzes evaluate your understanding of all the major topics covered in a particular lesson.
- Access to the new online version of Nutritrac Nutrition Analysis 5.0 offers a nutrition and weight management program that provides additional tools for learning with an expanded food database of over 5,000 foods in 18 different categories and a listing of more than 150 activities.