This pioneering book shares a fresh vision for school leadership that connects current knowledge from mind, brain, and adult learning research to the process of teacher development and leadership. The authors provide clear steps to enable and inspire teachers to embrace leadership and collaboration opportunities for improving instruction and student outcomes, and increasing professional satisfaction. To demonstrate the broad array of leadership pathways, a flexible "spectrum of teachers leadership" suggests the myriad ways for teachers to contribute to their school and community beyond their classroom. This spectrum is illustrated with real-life examples of teacher leadership in practice.
Smarter Teacher Leadership will guide teachers to bridge what has been discovered about the brain and how metacognitive, cognitive, and affective skills support learning, teaching, and leading to stimulate collaboration with colleagues and advocacy with administrators, parents, and the wider community.
The book features: an original framework for analyzing and improving educational systems; a central focus on leveraging "Purposeful Collaboration" of teachers, teacher leaders, and administrators; examination of an effective graduate program for developing teacher leaders, including lessons learned; and practical strategies and vignettes of teacher leadership in practice.