Textbook of Basic Nursing

By Caroline Bunker Rosdahl, Mary T. Kowalski

Textbook of Basic Nursing
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Provides students with the knowledge and skills they need to practice nursing safely as LPN/LVNs.

Fully updated to reflect current medical and nursing practice, this Eleventh Edition of Textbook of Basic Nursing covers all areas of the curriculum, including Anatomy & Physiology, Fundamentals, Skills, Adult Health, Growth and Development, Mental Health, Maternity and Pediatrics, and Geriatric Considerations. Based on the NCLEX-PN framework, this engaging and comprehensive text provides everything students need to succeed, including short chapters with easy-to-understand content, striking photos and illustrations that bring the content to life, and a wide range of practice-oriented, mastery-focused learning tools both in the book and online, and an available hands-on workbook. Key benefits include:
  • Concept Mastery Alerts use data from PrepU quizzing to highlight common misconceptions and difficult-to-understand material.
  • Nursing Alerts ensure that students obtain the critical information they need to safely practice nursing as LPN/LVNs and succeed on the NCLEX-PN.
  • NCLEX Alerts highlight critical NCLEX-relevant content in each key area.
  • In Practice: Nursing Care Plans present a case study using NANDA terminology and the Nursing Process to illustrate how to develop a care plan.
  • Special Considerations highlight key culture, lifespan, homecare, or nutrition information.
  • In Practice Nursing Procedures present step-by-step instructions with full-color illustrations and rationales.
  • In Practice: Nursing Care Guidelines contain summaries of important concepts, teaching, skills performance, or nursing considerations.
  • In Practice: Educating the Client boxes highlight important teaching concepts.
  • In Practice: Data Gathering in Nursing summarizes the key information needed in gathering data for nursing observations.
  • In Practice: Nursing Process boxes use the steps of the nursing process to guide the LPN/LVN in effective data collection.
  • In Practice: Important Medications boxes summarize common medications used in treating specific conditions, diseases, and disorders.

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