General Awareness
Mathematical Aptitude
Fundamentals of Computers
Includes 5 Practice Sets
Soldier General Duty is one of the branches of the Indian Army. It is mainly in charge of directing military operations which are based on land. For the recruitment to Soldier General Duty, the Indian Army conducts an examination called the Indian Army Soldier NER General Duty (GD) Recruitment Examination which is generally held four times a year and is advertised in the Employment News and other leading dailies. The recruitment is done on the basis of a written test which consists of General Awareness, Mathematical Aptitude and Fundamentals of Computers.
This book has been divided into four parts
• General Awareness
• Mathematical Aptitude
• Fundamentals of Computers
• 5 Practice Sets
Each chapter contains plenty of solved problems and exercises based on the questions of previous examinations along with hints and solutions of the practice sets for practice and revision of the candidates.
DR. (CDR) N K NATARAJAN has an experience of over 25 years in the Indian Navy, and a three year stint as a Group Testing Officer at the Selection Center in Bhopal. In addition to serving in the army, he also holds a degree in management and a doctorate in psychology. He has helped assess more than 1500 candidates during his term as a selection officer.