"This book provides a unique source of information, experience, and evidence that is essential for any educator or policymaker involved in planning afterschool programs for children."Robert E. Slavin, CodirectorCenter for Research on the Education of Students Placed at RiskJohns Hopkins University
Raise the caliber of your afterschool program with these exemplary models and get outstanding results!
Through a comprehensive review of various afterschool programs across the United States, respected authority on program effectiveness, Olatokunbo Fashola, sheds new light on "what works" to increase academic achievement during nonschool hours. Administrators, policymakers, teachers, and researchers can benefit from the examples of both the successes and the shortcomings encountered by their colleagues in the quest to create enhanced learning opportunities in safe and enriching environments.
This unique resource provides a practical overview of the research and best practices that can be easily adapted and applied in the development of highly effective afterschool programs. A complete discussion of the purposes, functions, methodologies, implementation, and evaluation of numerous programs is provided and organized for quick reference.
Building Effective Afterschool Programs features: