According to the author, seeing life through the multifaceted lens of
anthropology makes living more rewarding and adds meaning to how we see
and experience our world. A committed educator and seasoned author,
Lenkeit serves up 22 concise, attention-grabbing essays to demonstrate
how core anthropological concepts can be easily applied to everyday life
in this highly original, single-authored collection.
While essays focus on cultural anthropology, the inclusion of topics on
linguistics, biological anthropology, and archaeology brings attention
to the holistic nature of the discipline and contributes to the book’s
course versatility. All essays conclude with material useful for
assimilating content: “Thinking It Through,” “Anthropological Terms,”
and “Thinking Practically.”
Lenkeit channels Margaret Mead, a major force in popularizing the field
and its everyday potential. The lucid, engaging essays in High Heels and Bound Feet will pique readers’ interest as they discover how anthropology informs, energizes, and infuses their lives every day.