Jonah's so real, she can touch him.
He calls her by the name "Odette" and strokes her like his long-lost love.
But soulmates don't simply travel through time in search of one another to reclaim a tragic past. Prophecies that claim she'll meet her true love, and that he'll be wearing gold, live only in old black-and-white romantic films.
That's why, when Special Agent Asher Renaud shows up on her porch, touting a gold badge, she doesn't pay it much mind. There's also the fact that Asher looks exactly like Jonah, but that doesn't mean she's Asher's Odette.
Neither does it mean that their souls were destined to find each other, over one hundred years later, to solve Odette's mysterious disappearance, finally giving the lovers a chance to finish their story.