Are you managing your brain? Or is your brain managing you? If you value self-knowledge, sooner or later you will face the profound role that the radically different perspectives of your left- and right-brain hemispheres play in your daily decisions. This timely book guides you in integrating these contrasting views of the world, and delves into the impact of brain lateralization on political progress, cultural polarization, and even the quest for personal and world peace. A practical field guide to whole-brain, heart-centered living, "The Whole-Brain Path to Peace" takes you a crucial step beyond the science of brain lateralization; this book invites you into a new way of perceiving your world through whole-brain living. But success on this path also requires the illumination of philosophy and the far-reaching insights of modern revelation. Olson's broader view highlights the distortions that each side of the brain can have when not informed by the other, and points us to more sensible ways of achieving greater balance.