Grand Jury Practice

By Howard W. Goldstein, Steven M. Witzel

Grand Jury Practice
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Grand Jury Practice is the most comprehensive treatise available on how grand juries function. Thorough and pragmatic, it brings together statutory and case law, Justice Department regulations, important variations in state court practice (including charts of relevant statutes), and practical advice on what really happens in grand jury proceedings. You'll learn to improve your odds in a game stacked heavily against you--how to deal with prosecutors, turn subpoenas and document requests to your advantage, monitor the progress of an investigation, and make the most of hidden strategic opportunities.

You'll find extensive discussion of the composition and conduct of the grand jury, the law of privilege, joint defense agreements, prosecutorial misconduct, evidentiary issues, grand jury secrecy, and many other constitutional and tactical issues. The annual updates provide analysis and insight into ongoing issues, including changing grand jury processes across the country in the wake of recent police-involved killings and during the Covid-19 pandemic, and recent decisions regarding presidential grand jury immunity arguments.

Book ʆ looseleaf, one volume, 720 pages; published in 1998, updated annually; no additional charge for updates during your subscription. Looseleaf print subscribers receive supplements. The online edition is updated automatically. ISBN: 978-1-58852-083-8.

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