Jekka Mcvicar's original New Book of Herbs ushered in a new type of gardening reference book, covering a wide choice of herbs and their uses. Grow Herbs puts Jekka's comprehensive information into a fresh, up-to-date format for a new audience of keen organic gardeners, herb enthusiasts, and those interested in natural healthcare and herbal products for the home.
Grow Herbs' opening chapter covers all practical aspects of designing, cultivating, and propagating herbs, with practical step-by-step photographs to illustrate Jekka's organic gardening techniques. The A-Z directory showcases her top 100 herbs, with close-up photography and advice on growing and using each species, cross-referenced to the sections on using herbs in the kitchen and around the home, which follow. These cover herb marinades, sauces and hot dishes, as well as household uses such as surface cleaners, room fragrances and pet care. Packed with practical horticultural advice as well as inspirational recipes and projects, Grow Herbs will encourage new gardeners to make herbs a part of their garden design, and shows experienced herb-growers how their plants can be put to
use in the kitchen and around the house.