The new edition of Katherine R. Allen and Angela C. Henderson's Family Theories Today: A Critical Intersectional Approach expands on the dynamic, creative, and scientific approach that made the first edition a success. The authors include all types of family structures, processes, and contexts, and their approach is informed by families as intimate settings for individual and relational development where both care and trauma occur. Full of examples grounded in real people's lives, the book covers twelve theories-ranging from Functionalist to Social Exchange to Feminist to Family Stress and Resilience-in a highly accessible but comprehensive way. Each chapter covers the theory's historic origins, major concepts, strengths and weaknesses, alternative perspectives, application to empirical research and practice, relevant pop culture examples, multimedia applications, discussion questions, suggestions for further reading, and more.
New highlights of this completely up-to-date and revised edition include two new chapters on topics that have gained increasing relevance: Critical Race Theory and Queer Theory; strengthened research and application about family diversity in each chapter; fresh multimedia suggestions; voices from lived experience; and more extensive outreach to a broader array of relevant disciplines.
This text is not only meant to be read but also to provoke both personal reflection and professional considerations for both family scientists in training and those in the human services in general.