“Regarded as one of the most dazzling of Latin America's new generation, Boullosa justifies her laurels in this rich work.” –Publishers Weekly
In this second compilation, Carmen Boullosa, one of the most important voices of Latin America’s new fiction, leaves behind "the safety of her childhood garden" – as stated by Christopher Dominguez Michael – and enters the universe of the imaginary.
A landscape where history and its characters yield to the possibility of being recreated and adapted into a world of fiction: from the indomitable colonial America in Duerme / Sleep and Son vacas, somos puercos / They’re Cows, We’re Pigs; to the Old World in La otra mano de Lepanto / Lepanto’s Other Hand; from the Renaissance Europe in La virgen y el violín / The Virgin and the Violin; to the Russia where the revolution in El libro de Ana / Ana’s Book imminently starts; these characters are ultimately used as resources to reinvent reality and understand what it really means to stand in other people’s shoes.