-- To date there are few titles devoted to thoroughly getting a user started on the Solaris operating system from the 'ground floor.'
-- The book's author is an expert in Solaris development and administration, having taught various levels of Sun Education's Solaris system's admin courses and wrote numerous technical articles on for Solaris and Java-based technologies.
-- The Free Solaris Binary License program means all potential users can download Solaris OE application for free. Since mid last year over one million licenses have been registered.
The Complete Idiot's Guide "RM" to Solaris 9 introduces the reader to basic Solaris utilities, file system and shell commands in the context of a workstation or server network; moreover, it explores Solaris' performance under both SPARC and Intel processor environments. The reader will be thoroughly introduced to using Solaris in the role of a system administrator, with content on trouble-shooting common problems that occur in everyday systems network upkeep.