IT Policies & Procedures

By Michael Wallace, Larry Webber

IT Policies & Procedures
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The role of IT management is changing even more quickly than information technology itself. The 2006 Edition of IT Policies & Procedures: Tools & Techniques That Work is an updated guide and decision-making reference that can help you to devise an information systems policy and procedure program uniquely tailored To The needs of your organization. Not only does it provide sample policies, but this valuable resource gives you the information you need to develop useful and effective policies for your unique environment. For fingertip access To The information you need on policy and planning, documentation, systems analysis and design, and much more, The materials in this ready-reference desk manual can be used by you or your staff as models or templates to create similar documents for your own organization. The 2006 Edition brings you: The latest best practices tips updated for every chapter A new chapter on developing effective security policies New information on implementing a rehire policy Updated information on LAN management best practices, including handling unauthorized devices New information on spam and conforming To The requirements of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 Guidance on implementing policies for e-mail-based marketing New information on creating a policy for managing instant messaging Discussion of why Web site usability is important For The success of your business Updated information on technology relocation policies A substantially revised chapter on documentation, giving you the latest guidance on effective and useful documentation New step-by-step instruction for developing a training strategy A completely revised chapter on surviving an IT audit A new section exploring effective handling of new employee orientations Discussion of the most current issues and strategies for managing the Internet, including instant messaging and blogging, project management, and mobile devices New information on how to start and manage a project management office Sample policies, proposal templates, checklists, tally sheets, worksheets, tables, logs, questionnaires, and agreements for quick reference and adaptation to your particular needs

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