All businesses want more sales. Your only complaint will be the sheer number of ways you'll boost your sales right now is too much to implement in a single day, week, month, and perhaps year.
But that's okay, do not fret, because if all you did was skim this book's strategies for 5 minutes, you'd come away with at least a dozen ways to increase your sales and income within the next 2 hours.
If you're a Copywriter or business owner - you can and perhaps should be both - you'll immediately find:
- Short-term Strategies
- Long-term Strategies
- Terrific Tips
- Warnings to Heed
- and Sales-Boosting techniques
that you'll apply to your business right away to make more money in practically every aspect. That business can be a huge retail chain, a local, neighborhood store, a barbershop, an in-home service company, an online empire, or even a family eBay business.
Organized by more than 90 topics, from the general (such as Budgets and Money) to specific example businesses (such as Doctors & Dentists, Car Dealers, Plumbers, and even eBay Selling) to vital Marketing topics (Headlines, Your USP, Ads, Yellow Pages, Referrals, Customer Service, Your Front-End, Your Back-End, and of course a whirlwind of techniques to maximize income from your all-important Customer List, this massive collection of selling wisdom was designed to maximize your income and minimize time you spend implementing each technique out of the hundreds of sales-boosters given to you here.
Here's hoping your income in the next three months tops the previous three years (that's actually a low-level possibility if you implement even 8% of this book's immediately-usable advice)!