Enacting Nature

By Birgit Däwes

Enacting Nature
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A chorus of ecological voices, enacting nature in contemporary indigenous performance / Birgit Däwes and Marc Maufort -- Stages of resilence, heteroholistic environments in plays by Marie Clements and Yvette Nolan / Birgit Däwes -- Mounds, earthworks, side show freaks and circus injuns / Ric Knowles -- "Civilization" and its transgressions on the Old Shawnee Trail. Lynn Riggs's Out of dust / Jaye T. Darby -- "alterNature" in Drew Hayden Taylor's The Berlin blues. Construction and de(con)struction of contested spaces / Maryann Henck -- The collapse of worlds in Laura Shamas's Chasing Honey / Yvette Nolan -- Eric Gansworth. Dramatizing the ecology of Haudenosaunee creation / Nicholle Dragone -- Voicing nature in the British Columbia interior. A place "back in the midst of time" in Kevin Loring's Where the blook mixes / Ginny Ratsoy -- Serving the living land. Place and belonging in Australian Aboriginal drama / Maryrose Casey -- Dance, history and country. An uneasy ecology in Australia / Rachael Swain -- "Je te parle d'harmonie entre les plantes". Ecologies of New Caledonian nationhood in Pierre Gope's La Parenthèse / Diana Looser -- Unfolding the cloth. Patterns of landscape and identity in The conch's Masi / Lisa Warrington and David O'Donnell -- Cleansing the tapu. Nature, landscape and transformation in three works by Maori playwrights / Hilary Halba -- Performing the spirit of the earth. Multi-faceted aesthetics of ecology in contemporary indigenous drama / Marc Maufort