Target Earth is the continuing saga and greatly anticipated sequel of the award winning book, Earth is Ours, "Best" Fantasy/SciFi 2005 from the prestigious San Diego Book Awards Association. The beloved characters developed in the original story evolve and begin an exciting new adventure as they defy monstrous, invading aliens dedicated to the total destruction of the human race.
Amy is a self-aware female computer whose only connection to the outside world is through a telepathic link. Levi was a dying elderly Indian man who is rejuvenated through this telepathic connection with Amy. It is a story of this forced symbiotic relationship dictated by mutual needs for their survival in a world stripped of technology.
Although they have separate and individual minds, they must co-exist in Levi's augmented body, sharing differing emotions and motivations, while simultaneously battling the enemy. Female brains and male brawn must unite as one in love and power to create a new entity to lead the fight against the aliens.
They are aided in this war by human armies and rescued alien slaves, but they are still vastly outnumbered in this conflict. These affable aliens will touch your heart with their loyalty and action, while the enemy will rouse your rage and fear. This is truly a Good versus Evil tale, but does good always win?
The male versus female conflict of minds, emotions and motivations remain a large portion of the story as it unfolds from both viewpoints. The struggle continues against formidable invaders led by an awe inspiring supreme leader. In this fast paced and compelling adventure, battles wage across the California and Arizona deserts.
These unique characters, and the riveting story, are strong and their saga continues into the third book of this series Earth's Dragons.