An Author's Perspective on Independent Publishing

By Lee Foster

An Author's Perspective on Independent Publishing
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Lee Foster has published a new book about the independent publishing process, titled An Author's Perspective on Independent Publishing: Why Self-Publishing May Be Your Best Option. After doing 16 books with traditional publishers, why did Lee switch to doing four books "independently" published or "indie?" Why does he now recommend this path for most authors?

The book describes Lee's advice on the publishing of printed books (print-on-demand), ebooks, books-as-websites, audiobooks, and special opportunities open to indie publishers, such as Chinese translation and sales in China.

The Table of Contents shows the range of the book subjects:

Introduction: The Independent Publishing Dream, and Why So Many Authors Now Embrace It

The Overview:

1. How Traditional Publishing Worked (and Sometimes Still Works)

2. Why Independent Publishing─Also Known As Self-Publishing─Arose

3. Why Independent Publishing May Be Your Most Viable Option Now and in the Future

The Details:

4. Your Print-on-Demand Book

5. Your Ebook Distribution

6. Your Book Content As a Website/Blog, Funded Partly by Advertising

7. Your Social Media Outreach

8. Your Book Marketing Strategy

9. Your Need for Quality Design in Independent Publishing

10. Your Book's Possible Specialized Adaptations, such as an Audiobook, Chinese Translation, and App


Your Vision and the Execution of Your Vision, Why No One Can Replicate You

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