Black Leaders of Southern Africa

By Al J. Venter

Black Leaders of Southern Africa
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The following leaders feature in this book: PART 1: The emergent nations of southern Africa: Mocambique: Samora Machel, The Frelimo General; Joaquim Chissano, the Macambique Minister; The Number Two Man: Marcelino dos Santos -- Angola: Dr Agostinho Neto of the MPLA; Angola's Holden Roberto; Jonas Savimbi, the UNITA leader -- Rhodesia: Joshua Nkomo of Rhodesia's ZAPU; Rev. Ndabaningi Sithole of ZANU; Bishop Abel Muzorewa; Robert Mugabe -- PART II: The established Black Nations: Mzee Kenyatta of Kenya; General Idi Amin of Uganda; Botswana's Sir Seretse Khama; Dr Kamuzu Banda of Malawi; President Nyerere of Tanzania; Zaire's Enigmatic General Mobutu Sese Seko; Chief Leabua Jonathan of Lesotho; King Sobhuza II of Swaziland; Zambia's President Kenneth Kaunda; President Bongo of Gabon; Field Marshal Jean-Bedel Bokassa of the Central African Republic; President Marien Ngouabi of the Congo Peoples' Republic; Malagasy's Left-leaning President Didier Ratsiraka -- PART III: The Bantustans: Paramount Chief Kaizer Matanzima; Chief Gatsha Buthelezi; Chief Lucas Mangope of Bophuthatswana; Chief Minister Tsiame Mopeli of Qwaqwa; Chief Patrick Mphephu of Vendaland; Professor Hudson Ntsanwisi of Gazankulu; Chief Minister Cedric Phatudi of Lebowa; Chief Minister Lennox Sebe of the Ciskei.

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