The Third Edition of Our Social World: Introduction to Sociology is truly a coherent textbook that inspires students to develop their sociological imaginations, to see the world and personal events from a new perspective, and to confront sociological issues on a day-to-day basis.
Key Features:
* Offers a strong global focus: A global perspective is integrated into each chapter to encourage students to think of global society as a logical extension of their own micro world.
* Illustrates the practical side of sociology: Boxes highlight careers and volunteer opportunities for those with a background in sociology as well as policy issues that sociologists influence.
* Encourages critical thinking: Provides various research strategies and illustrates concrete examples of the method being used to help students develop a more sophisticated epistemology.
* Presents "The Social World Model" in each chapter: This visually-compelling organizing framework opens each chapter and helps students understand the interrelatedness of core concepts.
New to the Third Edition:
* Thirty new boxed features, including the innovative ′Engaging Sociology′ and ′Applied Sociologists at Work′ features
* Three substantially reorganised chapters (2. Examining the Social World, 3. Society and Culture, and 13. Politics and Economics)
* 315 entirely new references and 120 new photos.