Now Classrooms, Grades 9-12

By Meg Ormiston, Scott D. Parker, Tom Lubbers, Gretchen Fitzharris, Ellen K. Lawrence, Katie N. Aquino

Now Classrooms, Grades 9-12
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Part of the NOW Classrooms series.

Developed specifically for grades 9-12, this resource presents classroom-ready lessons that support the ISTE Standards for Students (formerly NET standards). Use the lessons, which focus on four essential skills (communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity), to take instruction and learning to the next level using technology. Each chapter includes strategies for developing authentic learning experiences and ends with discussion questions for personal reflection.

Integrate digital learning and support ISTE Standards (formerly National Educational Technology Standards for Students or NETS):

  • Understand that real transformational change results from teaching and learning, not ever-changing digital devices.
  • Give high school students opportunities to exercise their voice, choice, and creativity using multimedia and digital tools.
  • Implement practical novice-, operational-, and wow-level lessons and tips for using digital tools in the classroom.
  • Connect each lesson to career and technical education (CTE) courses, such as entrepreneurship, culinary arts, web design, and many more.
  • Foster digital citizenship, helping students keep themselves and their data safe online and make ethical decisions on the internet.

Chapter 1: Embracing Creativity
Chapter 2: Communicating and Collaborating
Chapter 3: Conducting Research and Curating Information
Chapter 4: Critically Thinking to Solve Problems
Chapter 5: Being Responsible Digital Citizens
Chapter 6: Expanding Technology and Coding Concepts
Conclusion and Looking Ahead

Books in the NOW Classrooms series:

  • NOW Classrooms, Leader's Guide
  • NOW Classrooms, Grades K-2
  • NOW Classrooms, Grades 3-5
  • NOW Classrooms, Grades 6-8
  • NOW Classrooms, Grades 9-12