Checklist of Editions of Greek, Latin, Demotic, and Coptic Papyri, Ostraca, and Tablets

By John F. Oates

Checklist of Editions of Greek, Latin, Demotic, and Coptic Papyri, Ostraca, and Tablets
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The primary purpose of the Checklist is to provide for scholars and librarians a ready bibliography of all monographic volumes, both current and out-of-print, of Greek, Latin, Demotic, and Coptic texts on papyrus, parchment, ostraca, or wood tablets. A secondary purpose of the original checklist (first published in 1974) was to establish a standard list of abbreviations for editions of Greek texts. Now this has been largely achieved, this edition aims to expand standardized abbreviations to cover Coptic and Demotic material. In general, this volume offers more complete coverage of Demotic material than ever attempted before; it is especially valuable since this is a growing area of study that lacks bibliographic resources and standard notations.