Infinite Creator Drive

By K J Gordon

Infinite Creator Drive
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'Infinite Creator Drive Is way beyond a great read'. It's an epic journey.'

The Story makes for an awesome travelling companion for those surfers and holiday makers requiring a great adventure of the mind and spirit.

K.J.Gordon has taken the beauty of Australia, the World and the Universe and presented not only a great read, it propels a world embracing free energy.  And yes there are consequences of Biblical proportions. The story has several plots some shallow and funny some deep and thought provoking. Infinite Creator Drive is an interesting space journey of discovery - 

As well as being thoroughly entertaining.
L.Haydn Gully
June 2015


Infinite Creator Drive is a revealing romp through space. There is an abundance of plausible technology and future incite from the author K J GORDON. And there are aspects which really make the reader stop and think. The concept dealing with superior alien life is very original and shows a depth in marine science and biochemistry which must remain un-discussed as not to spoil the surprise and or shock.

The addition of DNA characters of legend add authentic aspects to the ‘life' discussion as it flows through the entire story line. And indeed, not without a twist in the tail.

The story of Infinite Creator Drive has a depth of unusual twists and is not so much pitched as sprayed across the imagination. The reader needs to take stock of relative time as the journey hurtles through existing science on its way to find a new humanity. One needs the seatbelts well tightened for this journey, as well as safety gear for the powerful riding of surfing waves in Oz and on an amazing planet called Endev.

The future tech of DNA manufacture, rolling through the subplots, is rather compelling as we are just discovering these future concepts for real. And one wonders at the authors incite. Here is a new science of science fiction written in the non-publishable genre of Aussie Fly Boys meet the most famous man on the planet, Science Fiction. The mind boggles at the ploy. It will never work?

The fly boys, being surfer bums with attitude, while the most famous man of his time is an aboriginal man from Alice Springs. He invents anti-gravity.

And yes the love interest would be worth meeting for real as her unordinary charm captivates in unusual ways.

Lastly, there lies an interesting undercurrent of mental instability and aspergers twinkling lightly through the sub plots as well. The chapter on emotional balance as aspects of understanding Karma will stay with the reader long after they have shed a tear as the end draws near. Pyramid meditation will be required.

Infinite Creator Drive is ironically well ahead of its time, past present and future. And the concept of who or what the Infinite Creator Drive is will check the reader's thought processors.

And very lastly, the imagery will test the horizons of those prepared to take a journey that pumps the heart in its pace and yet brings a tear in emotive depth. Definitely too long for a movie but what a ride that would.

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