The latest annual volume of Reflections for Daily Prayer offers another year of high-quality Bible reflections based on the Common Worship Lectionary.
Each day, Monday to Saturday, writers, theologians, ministers and scholars offer insightful yet accessible commentary on one of the day's readings for Morning Prayer. Their reflections will appeal to anyone who values both the companionship of daily Bible notes and the structure of the Lectionary.
For each day of the year (excluding Sundays), the notes provide:
- Full lectionary references for Morning Prayer
- A specially-commissioned reflection on one passage
- A Collect (prayer) for the day
In addition, the 2012/13 volume offers some exciting new features, including:
- A simple form of morning prayer, with seasonal variations, for use throughout the year.
- A guide to the practice of daily prayer by John Pritchard.
- An introduction to contemplative reading of the Bible by Stephen Cottrell.
Contributors this year include Jeff Astley, Rosalind Brown, Steven Croft, Andrew Davison, Keith James, Barbara Mosse, Mark Oakley, Martyn Percy, John Pritchard, Christina Rees, Angela Tilby, Jane Williams, and Christopher Woods.