I'm certain Kevin Ridgeway's got the stuff: clean straight writing. And he knows what a poem can be made of. That is, if you're looking for something with authenticity. Movement is stumbling through reality, falling on your ass. Often the speaker is just trying to find a way to go one. It's not easy (try it sometime): writing excellent strong poetry about real life and real people. Thank god he hasn't been corrupted. Ridgeway is a STRONG voice. It's rare, especially in American poetry.
-Don Winter, Poet
The semi-annual detox is in full swing, here in the flop house of the deranged and unemployable, ravaged warriors of imaginary wars, a would be pall bearer vagabond, too high on thunder and lightning to know better. drunken suicide pacts made in ant-infested bathtubs, strange rumblings of nonsense manifestos and cigarette smoke permeates the air. Drink cheap malts and pass out in ramen noodle adorned slumber to be woken by the screams of an upstairs knife fight.
-Dave Roskos, editor of Big Hammer & Street Value zines